Hip-Hop Humanities:
A conversation w/ KEN SWIFT & JOE SCHLOSS,Ph.D.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Located at :
Tisch School of the Arts
721 Broadway *(off of Waverly Place) Room 612
New York, N.Y. 10003
Please RSVP @ info@hhtf.org
for more info vist: www.hhtf.org
As part off Hip-Hop Theater Festival's Humanities Series, Joe Schloss Ph.D., will join the legendary Ken Swift in a conversation about aesthetics of Breaking and Rock (two distinct forms of Hip-Hop Dance), cultural history, the need for documentation and the absence of institutional support in preserving the heritage of New York's Hip-Hop cultural legacy. Come join us for one of the many important conversations contributing to the growing body of discourse around these important forms of urban American culture. The respondent for the evening will be Imani Johnson, Ph.D., who is a post doctoral Fellow in the Department of Performance Studies at NYU.