Friday, April 23, 2010

L.E.S Ecology Center/East River Park Clean-Up

Everyone has a responsibility to serve a greater cause. "Preserving Bboy culture" is the Breaks Kru's purpose. Our work towards the preservation of Bboying wouldn't matter if we were to ignore the importance of preserving our environment. Some people let themselves believe that they can't possibly "make a difference". These are the same people that get in way when others try to put the work in. Don't complain while your community is swept up from underneath you. Be Active!

Mind, body, & culture.

It was an early morning rise and shine this Saturday for Breaks Kru members WaAaK and MykeToes. With a perfect day ahead of them the crew set out, along with 25 fifth graders and their mothers, to the L.E.S. river side park to help clean up and restore its gardens and fields.

All the kids bullied the Breaks Kru immediately and forced them to pick the smallest tree with a broken branch. WaAaK and MykeToes knew they had to pay their dues and went with the flow. This tree needed some serious help and Breaks Kru was ready to do what ever it takes to help the community......and to make sure they did not get jumped at noon for all their lunch money. After de-weeding and reestablishing the diameter of the mulch line anther foot, they tossed all the weeds into their blue, single axle, 1973 Plymouth Duster with rear suspension and wheelbarrowed it over to the compost pile.

Once they tossed all that green into the compost, they wheeled over to the F*R*E*S*H mulch pile. There they were greeted by 6 kids playing in the pile. Being nervous to make eye contact, the Kru asked nicely for some help to fill the wheelbarrow with mulch. Luckily, the kids just had snack time and were in a hyper mood. With the help of 2 shovels and 12 hands, WaAaK and MykeToes headed back over to the Breaks Kru Tree with the wheelbarrow filled to the brim. After laying down the F*R*E*S*H mulch, the Breaks Kru had finished their first task of the day.

Being behind schedule they walked over to the lunch table. There they had 2 glasses of apple juice each and watched as all the kids were on their cigarette break playing on the play ground. The next task at hand was weeding out a section of the garden. Armed with an Ice Pick and Hoe they found the perfect section of the garden- the one with the police tape around it. Shanking their way through the garden Breaks Kru style they assassinated weed after weed. Because they were obvious the yellow dandelions were on the list as #1 suspect. 2nd on the Terror list was random patches of grass that gentrified their way into the flower community.

Just as they thought they were done, a mother pointed out that some of the plants in the garden which had flowers were actually weeds. Confused by the amount of weeds that had flowers, they ice picked their way deeper into the garden. WaAaK and MykeToes could not believe how many weeds there actually were. About 2 hours later, all the weeds were evicted from the garden and onto the concrete. WaAaK and Myke swept up all the remains into an official united states postal service issued crate and dumped the weeds into the compost pile.

The Breaks Kru learned a valuable lesson. Just like the garden, the Bboy culture has weeds. And to an untrained eye they look like they fit in, like they are supposed to be apart of the garden. Simply because they have disguised themselves as flowers. It isn't until you really take a second look that you notice how the weeds choke the life out of the surrounding plants and flowers in order to blend in. They do nothing but destroy the natural beauty and integrity of the garden.