I haven't seen my man WaAak in weeks. We've spoken over the phone only a couple of times since he left for Maryland on June 19th to teach at the Garrison Forest School. He has disappeared 2 summers in a row "to teach at summer camp" at Young Peoples Summer Stock. However, he has been unusually M.I.A. this summer and it bothers me. I've never really questioned his motives until now, only because he has been so sketchy for some reason.....and now I know why.....
A couple of days ago I was walking to the L train on Bedford Ave and North 7th and suddenly got thrown completely off guard. "I ran up the stairs, up to the top floor, open up a door there guess what I saw...."
He is working for Verizon now!!! Congratulations to WaAak for getting a job in the system!!